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Lectures at Arts in Bartlett

I am just ending a series of lectures on the top 100 works of art. It was a modified version of the descriptions I give in my Art Appreciation class at Elgin Community College, without the quizzes.


Latest Solo Exhibit

i was Artist of the Month , August, 2019. at Prairie Arts Center in Schaumburg, IL.

This is the link to my interview:

Over 60 people came to the opening reception. This was a follow up to an exhibit I had there two years ago. It consisted mainly of watercolors started on site when I traveled to Estonia, Korea, Australia, Canada and at home in Illinois and Wisconsin.


New Posts along the Art Journey

Three weeks ago I traveled to Dallas for the annual Southern Graphics Conference. There were three days of meeting with colleagues from all over the U.S., sharing new artmaking techniques, exhibits at 5 diffrerent colleges in the Dallas and Ft. Worth area, and seeing collections in the area museums.

A memorable exhibit was a temporary exhibit at the Dalls Art Museum of Berthe Morisot's work. Morisot is the best known  French female Impressionist. I was surprised to learn that she was married to French Impressionist Edouard Manet's younger brother. I also learned that she had an equally talented older sister who gave up making art for life as a wife and mother. Here is a portrait of Berthe Morisot painted by her sister.


More Figure Studies

 5 Minute Marker and watercolor sketch
One Minute Blue Figure sketch
One Minute Marker Drawing
20 Minute Watercolor
Our model held some truly difficult poses. The challenge was to render them as quickly as possible.


Watercolor and Collagraph Continued

Still Life Collagraph
There is no mystery about the subject matter here.